Payments for City of Selmer Police Department generated citations are payable to the City of Selmer Police Department either by certified check, money order, or credit/debit card. 




Chief of Police: Kim Holley

Lieutenant Ted Roberts

 Investigators: Matt Rickman

Patrol Lieutenant: Ron Pilkington

Sergeants: Tony Westbrooks, Josh Gilbert and Kaleb Sanders

Patrol Division:

 Gionand Estremera-Soto

 Dylan Fullington, 

Blake Buntyn, Blake Huckabee

 Kevin Wood

Jamie Watkins, Josh Lauton,

John Sims, and Jeremy Smith.

Office Staff:

Lisa Blankenship and Rachel Beavers

City Court is held on the first Tuesday of every month. We only hear and process City of Selmer Citations. If you have received a citation from “photo enforcement”, you must follow the instructions on that document. WE DO NOT ACCEPT photo enforcement payment at our office. 

Pay Online at:


Online Payment